A Pet Animal



Human people group raise many kinds of creatures and birds for their need and leisure activity. A dog has been raised in my family. This is my pet. 

My dog name is Sheru. It continues to monitor the house with cautiousness. Sheru shakes the tail on seeing natural individuals and snarls and barks after seeing outsiders. It gets conscious in the wake of getting a little cry. She continues counting the house and strolling on the patio. It doesn't care to be restricted, needs to meander aimlessly constantly. Be that as it may, when an individual from the house goes out conveying it, it is binded around its neck. Sheru is brown. It is a canine of high height and a decent variety. Its tail is cut. It looks appealing. It has incredible speed and force. Its activities are satisfying. It eats bread, natively constructed bread, milk, meat, poultry, rice, and so on Legitimate consideration is taken of my food and drink in my home. 

It has been given rabies immunization on time with the goal that it stays solid and doesn't spread an infectious sickness to other people. Father takes it to the vet at whatever point he becomes sick. It becomes tragic in the event of ailment. Because of this, there is likewise pity in the house. In any case, when it recuperates, the excellence of the house returns.


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