A Tea Stall



A tea stall is a little shop where arranged tea and a couple of tidbits are sold or served for cash. It is a not unexpected sight either in a town or in a town. It is a little shop. In towns tea slows down are countless. Tea has now turned into a well known beverage. Along these lines, A tea stall is typically packed. In a tea stall, there are not many seats, tables or seats. Arranged tea is sold here. Rolls, cakes, portion, bananas, cigarettes and betel leaf are sold here. There is frequently a kid or two to serve tea to the client. 

The chief sits behind the money box and gathers cash from the client. A standard tea slow down is messy. A pot is constantly kept hot on the oven. A tea stall opens toward the beginning of the day and shuts the late evening. A tea stall is a famous spot. Individuals of various ages and classes come here. They take tea and talk with another. They talk about different subjects. They additionally chat on town governmental issues, public and global legislative issues and current undertakings. Some of the time clients raise a tempest over some tea. A tea stall is a significant spot of get-together without a doubt.


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